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Ferox Amarokk

A member registered Jun 23, 2022

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you do whatever you want. my answer is you either wait for an update that is stable here or experimental update on patreon. also now theres an update here. the thing is since here its a fixed price, dev want to update here when its a "stable" update while on patreon it starts at 1$ a month but you get access to experimental build and more hand on approach with the dev. i think its fair since you end up paying more on the long run on patreon to have more updates while here you paid fixed and experience stable builds. at the end when the game is finished you will have the full game no matter what

the game got updated on patreon literally today my dude :P you can maybe go check that if you want

go on the discord you will get more info. i can vouch that the game is worked on currently and the dev didnt wanted to release a new build without it being stable. the current experimental builds are still barebone but have much more content. we have abouta 2-3h story as of right now with no cutscenes... but from the word of the dev the next build should aadd those cutscenes and add a bit more stories. the cutscenes take a long time as the dev is alone and the cutscenes keep having problems.